Congratulations to Luis Ayora Marin, Jordon Wong, Christophe Waterplas and Daniel Munoz on completing the TUV Functional Safety for Engineers course.

Delivered across five days, the internationally recognised course is aimed at improving the level of competence and compliance to industry standards (IEC 61508, 61511 etc.) of any engineer, designer, operator or maintainer of safety instrumented systems.

Open to professionals with 3-5 years of experience in functional safety, the course topics include:

  • Process Safety Risk/Layers of Protection
  • International Functional Safety Standards (IEC 61508/61511)
  • Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assignment Methodologies
  • Safety Requirements Specification Development
  • SIL Verification Methodologies
  • Management of Functional Safety
  • SIS Design and Good Engineering Practices

Having joined Acmena as a systems engineering consultant in August 2022, Luis Ayora Marin was thrilled to have the opportunity to expand his capability in functional safety through such a well-respected course.

“Functional safety has been the main area of work in my time at Cross River Rail and in Acmena,” said Luis. “It was refreshing to get a better understanding on how the various analyses and procedures in functional safety are planned and managed throughout the lifecycle, and to get a solid grasp on the concepts that are not usually explained while on the job.

“The presenter was great and we learned a lot about how safety instrumented systems are implemented in other industries so it was helpful to get a broader picture of safety engineering.

“I’m looking forward to applying the skills learned in my future work in rail and other emerging sectors like renewable energy, especially in the planning/management of a safety program and the verification of safety instrumented systems using quantitative methods.”

For more information