In highly regulated industries, organisations are under pressure not only to meet increasingly stringent safety and reliability requirements, but also to prove systems will deliver on other design objectives. Consequently, the success of a project can depend heavily on having clearly documented evidence that those objectives have been met.

Delivering greater safety and certainty through systematic assurance processes

Developed through decades of experience, Acmena’s proven systems and safety management processes can help ensure your designs meet their objectives and give you confidence in achieving project success. Taking a systematic and pragmatic approach focused on how systems will be used and maintained, we integrate our assurance and risk management processes into your design and engineering programs to deliver tailored solutions that will meet the needs of your project through every stage of its lifecycle.

Combining practical investigation techniques with quantitative and qualitative analysis, our consultants work closely with key stakeholders to identify, assess and control project risks and hazards. Utilising our expertise in requirements management we can help you develop and integrate key assurance documentation into your requirements database to maximise their usability and effectiveness.

Supporting the development of safer, more reliable systems

With expertise in RAMS modelling, our specialists can help you predict the reliability and availability of your products and systems. We can also document RAMS requirements and other risk control measures and provide concise and verifiable data that will enable you to demonstrate that risk has been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable.

At Acmena, we specialise in technically complex projects, including ETCS and CBTC advanced train signalling and control. Leveraging our expertise in industry safety standards, we can help you develop successful safety cases and assist with reviews and audits, in addition to working with you to develop your organisation’s safety management processes.

We specialise in

Safety Management

Hazard & Risk Information Management

Rail Safety & Standards Compliance

Software Safety

Hazard Identification

Hazard & Risk Information Management

Reliability & Availability Analysis

Safety Incident Investigation & Management

Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment

Safety in Design

Independent Safety Audit & Assessment

System & Safety Assurance Competency Assessment

RAMS Requirements & Risk Controls Capture

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assessment

Safety Case Development


Our expertise

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